Internal Affairs Investigations and External Oversight

Fundamentals of Procedural Law by Adam J. McKee

In the world of law enforcement, accountability is paramount. When allegations of misconduct or excessive use of force arise, the matter is usually investigated by an Internal Affairs unit. Additionally, external oversight bodies exist to ensure a fair and thorough examination of the facts. Internal Affairs investigations and external oversight mechanisms foster trust and transparency between law enforcement and the communities they serve.

Internal Affairs Investigations

What is Internal Affairs?

Internal Affairs (IA) is a specialized unit within a police department that investigates allegations of wrongdoing by police officers. These could include excessive use of force, corruption, or other misconduct.

How Does an Investigation Work?

  1. Complaint Initiation: Any person can file a complaint against a police officer. It could be a civilian, another officer, or even an anonymous source.
  2. Investigation: The IA unit then conducts a thorough investigation. They collect evidence, interview witnesses, and review documents.
  3. Outcome: Depending on the evidence, the officer may face disciplinary action, ranging from counseling and retraining to termination.

External Oversight

What is External Oversight?

External oversight refers to the supervision of police conduct by an independent body outside the police department. This can include civilian review boards, governmental agencies, or independent auditors.

How Does External Oversight Work?

  1. Independence: The key to external oversight is its independence from the police. This ensures an unbiased review of the allegations.
  2. Investigation: Similar to IA investigations, external oversight bodies gather evidence and conduct interviews. They may also work alongside or separately from IA.
  3. Recommendations and Actions: The oversight body can recommend actions or enforce them directly, depending on the jurisdiction and the severity of the misconduct.

Challenges and Benefits


Both Internal Affairs and external oversight face challenges, such as limited resources, potential bias within IA, or resistance from police unions.


Despite these challenges, the combination of internal investigation and external oversight provides a balanced approach to accountability. It not only maintains public trust but also promotes integrity within the police force.


Internal Affairs investigations and external oversight play essential roles in maintaining accountability within law enforcement. While Internal Affairs operates within the police department to investigate allegations, external oversight provides an independent examination of the facts. Together, they form a robust system to address misconduct, including excessive use of force and fostering trust, transparency, and integrity.

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Modification History

File Created:  08/08/2018

Last Modified:  08/01/2023

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