
In the heart of the central west coast, amidst verdant forests and rugged terrains, lies the Kingdom of Vanier. A land of contrasts, where the untamed wilderness meets bustling coastal cities like Vela and Port Daegal. The climate, with its mild summers and cold winters, nurtures the dense woodlands, ensuring they remain an ever-present testament to the kingdom’s natural beauty. Here, traditions and festivals pulse through the veins of the community, celebrating everything from sacred forest deities to the valor of warriors. The Rustic Dialect, unique to the rural populace, echoes through the woods, while the Common Tongue unites the urban areas. The cuisine, rich in game, forest herbs, and seafood, tells of the land’s bounty, and the architecture, a harmonious blend of wood and stone, speaks of a people in tune with their environment.

Vanier’s strength lies not just in its natural beauty but in its governance and military prowess. A centralized monarchy, supported by local lords and military leaders, strikes a balance between individual freedom and collective safety. The military, adept in forest guerrilla warfare and bolstered by naval defenses, stands as a sentinel, protecting the land and its people. Education intertwines wilderness survival with formal learning, shaping individuals ready to face both nature and civilization. Despite its serene landscapes, Vanier has weathered conflicts and emerged stronger, guided by figures like King Edlyn and Earl Arth. In Vanier, the forests whisper ancient tales, and the cities buzz with life—a realm where natural splendors, cultural richness, and unwavering strength converge.

I. Geography


  • Dense Forests: Expansive woodlands rich in game, timber, and diverse flora.
  • Rugged Terrains: Marked by hills, valleys, and pockets of meadows.
  • Coastal Areas: Home to major cities like Vela and Port Daegal.


  • Mild summers and cold winters, influenced by the coastal and forested environment.
  • Regular rainfall ensures forests remain lush and vibrant.

II. Culture

Language & Literature

  • Rustic Dialect: A unique vernacular spoken by rural folks, which evolved from the Elder Tongue but took on its own character in the dense woods of Vanier.
  • Common Tongue: Derivative of the Elder Tongue spoken in cities and official places.

Traditions & Festivals

  • Annual celebrations honoring the forest deities, harvest, and the hunt.
  • Military commemoration days, celebrating victories and fallen heroes.

Diet & Cuisine

  • Game-based dishes such as venison or wild boar.
  • Forest herbs, berries, and mushrooms feature prominently.
  • Seafood is a staple for coastal regions.

Art & Architecture

  • Woodwork reflects the timber-rich environment.
  • Structures made with robust stone and timber suited to the terrain and climate.

Social Norms & Etiquette

  • High value placed on honor, valor, and individual freedom.
  • Sense of community and shared responsibility in rural regions.

Role of Religion & Spirituality

  • Worship of forest and nature spirits.
  • Ancestor veneration, especially of warriors and hunters.

III. Economics

Trade & Commerce

  1. Timber, fur, and herbs are primary exports.
  2. Artisanal goods from towns like Port Daegal.
  3. Sea trade, especially in coastal cities.


  1. Hunting, trapping, and timber harvesting in rural areas.
  2. Merchants, artisans, and traders in urban centers.


  1. Local coins minted with symbols of forests, wildlife, or military insignias.

IV. Government


Structure & Hierarchy

  • A centralized monarchy, aided by local lords and chieftains.
  • Military leaders holding significant influence due to the region’s defensive needs.

Law & Order

  • Laws promoting individual freedom but with emphasis on collective safety and military service.
  • Forest laws protect specific regions or species, reflecting the community’s reverence for nature.

Foreign Relations & Diplomacy

  • Tense relationships with northern neighbors, given the military fortifications.
  • Possible trade treaties with other coastal regions and the Varakali Islands.

Military & Defense

  • A robust standing army with compulsory reserve service.
  • Emphasis on forest warfare, guerrilla tactics, and naval defenses.
  • Fortresses such as Dur Tarak and Dur Bern serve as military hubs.

Education & Academia

  • Training in wilderness survival, hunting, and navigation for the young.
  • Schools in larger towns teaching the Elder Tongue, history, and basic sciences.

V. History

Major Eras & Turning Points

  • The Era of the Empire and Vanier’s integration.
  • The establishment of military fortifications to fend off northern threats.
  • Growth of urban centers like Vela and evolution of rural Vanierian identity.

Wars & Conflicts

  • Past skirmishes with northern tribes before the construction of fortifications.
  • Internal disputes, possibly over forest territories or trade rights.

Historical Figures & Legacies

  1. King Edlyn: Current monarch, known for strengthening military might.
  2. Earl Arth: Warden of the West, hailed for his defense strategies.

Military Strengths and Weaknesses 


  • Natural Defenses: The dense forests and rugged terrains offer natural protection against invading forces. These terrains would be difficult for foreign armies to navigate, giving the Vaierians home advantage.
  • Forest Warfare and Guerilla Tactics: Vaier’s military has adapted to its surroundings, mastering forest guerrilla warfare. This knowledge allows them to utilize the environment to launch surprise attacks, set ambushes, and disappear into the foliage, making them formidable opponents on their own soil.
  • Naval Defenses: The presence of coastal areas, with major cities like Vela and Port Daegal, suggests a robust naval force that can defend against maritime threats.
  • Strong Community Bonds: A deep sense of community and shared responsibility, especially in rural areas, can lead to united frontlines and possibly a militia system where every individual, if needed, can take up arms to defend their homeland.
  • Rich Resources: The vast woodlands rich in timber provide material for weapons, fortifications, and ships. Additionally, the presence of game ensures a consistent food supply during sieges or prolonged wars.
  • Strategic Fortresses: Fortresses like Dur Tarak and Dur Bern serve as military hubs and deterrents against potential invasions, showcasing Vaier’s military might.
  • Military Traditions: Annual military commemoration days and ancestor veneration indicate a society with deep respect for warriors, likely leading to a dedicated and highly motivated military force.


  • Dialect Barrier: The presence of the rustic dialect, unique to rural folks, might lead to communication issues during joint operations between rural militias and the city-based standing army.
  • Reliance on Natural Defenses: While the forests and terrains provide a natural defense, there might be an over-reliance on them. An adversary who finds a way to negate this advantage (e.g., by using fire or extensive scouting) could pose a significant threat.
  • Tense Northern Relations: Continuous tensions with northern neighbors suggest a constant threat from that direction, potentially forcing Vaier to invest heavily in fortifications and troops at the northern borders, which could spread their defenses thin.
  • Potential Internal Disputes: Past internal disputes over forest territories or trade rights indicate that there might be underlying tensions that an adversary could exploit to sow discord.
  • Sea Trade Dependency: The significant emphasis on sea trade, especially in coastal cities, could be a vulnerable point. Blockading the ports might cripple the economy and strain resources.
  • Potential Isolation: If the tense relationships with northern neighbors are not balanced by strong alliances elsewhere, Vanier might find itself diplomatically isolated, making it challenging to gather allies during widespread conflicts.
  • Military Structure and Leadership: While a centralized monarchy backed by military leaders ensures unified command, it might also lead to potential bottlenecks in decision-making during wars.

The Kingdom of Vaier boasts a robust military structure adapted to its unique geography and culture. However, potential internal tensions, dependency on certain trade routes, and external threats, especially from the north, are areas of concern that need strategic addressing.

Places of Note within Vanier

Ruhan Pass: This strategically important pass is the only place wide enough and low enough for troops to pass from Vishodan lands north of the Akash Mountains to the lands of the South. Long ago, the Vanierian King commissioned a great fortress to control the pass, which became known as Dur Tarak. (“Tarak” means “protector” in the Elder Tongue). The area to the south of the fortress has grown into a city over the centuries since it was constructed.

Dur Bern: This great fortress of the North is the administrative center of an expansive wall that links the eastern mountains with the western sea. The Wall extends over sixty miles, with watchtowers every half mile down the expanse. In modern times, the Crown has come under great criticism for the vast expense of maintaining a full force along these fortifications. There is talk in Valor (the Vanierian capital) that the wall forces will soon be greatly reduced.

Manan: The southernmost major city in Vanier, which is known for its famous temple complex.

Vela: A sprawling port city on the west coast. The area to the east of Vela is wonderfully fruitful farmland, and cargos bound for every locale on the east coast of the continent leave from the natural deep water port here. The forests to the north are rich in game and fur, adding to the mercantile allure of Vela.

Port Daegal: Port Daegal is situated about 20 miles north of Vela and boasts its own natural deep water port. The town boasts a population of around 5,000 souls. Economically, the little town is more important than its size would indicate. Many artisans call it home, and many farmers and other suppliers prefer to ship from there because it lacks the congestion of the busy port at Vela. [PCs tend to start here.]

Notable Nobility of Vanier

      • King Edlyn
      • Duke Aldhelm
      • Duke Banan
      • Earl Aldhelm
      • Earl Algar
      • Earl Alwyn
      • Earl Arth [Warden of the West, Commander of the Wall]
      • Barron Ator
      • Barron Beorn
      • Barron Blackwater


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Last Modified: 10/26/2023

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