jury selection | Definition

Doc's CJ Glossary by Adam J. McKee
Course: Introduction

Jury selection, or voir dire, is the process of choosing jurors from a pool of potential candidates to serve in a trial.

Jury selection starts with a large group of potential jurors. These individuals are often pulled from lists of registered voters or people who have a driver’s license. This group needs to live in the area where the trial will take place. This way, they can represent the community during the trial.

Some people may not be able to serve on a jury, though. For example, some may have personal issues that prevent them from serving. Or, they might not meet the basic requirements. These individuals are excused from the process early on.

The Process of Voir Dire

Once the pool is ready, the process of voir dire starts. This is a French term that means “to see, to speak”. During voir dire, the judge and the attorneys question the potential jurors. They aim to identify anyone who might not be able to be fair and impartial.

They may ask the potential jurors about their beliefs or experiences. They may also ask about the jurors’ backgrounds. These questions help to reveal any potential biases. For example, a potential juror might have strong feelings about the type of crime involved in the case. This person might not be able to judge the case fairly.

Challenges and Final Jury Selection

After questioning, the judge and attorneys may want to remove some potential jurors. They can do this in two ways.

First, they can make a challenge for cause. This is when they give a specific reason for why a person should not serve. For example, they may believe that the person cannot be impartial.

Second, they can make a peremptory challenge. This is when they remove a person without giving a reason. Each side usually gets a limited number of these challenges.

Finally, after the challenges, the court selects the final jury. These are the people who will listen to the evidence and decide the case.

Why Jury Selection Matters

Jury selection is a vital part of the legal process. It helps to ensure a fair trial. The idea is that the people on trial should be judged by their peers. To achieve this, the jury should represent the community and be unbiased.

Jury selection is the way we make sure this happens. By carefully vetting potential jurors, we can make sure that they are able to judge the case fairly. The process is not perfect, but it’s an essential part of ensuring justice.

To Summarize

In conclusion, jury selection is an important, multi-step process. It starts with a large pool of potential jurors. The court then whittles down this group through a process of questioning and challenges. In the end, the goal is to have a fair and unbiased jury. This group will decide the fate of the people on trial. Understanding this process helps us better appreciate how our justice system works.

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Last Modified: 06/12/2023

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