Section 6.2: Existing Data and Archives

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Many times, questions that researchers ask can be answered by data that has already been collected for some other purpose.  Existing data, also known as secondary data and archival data, is data collected for a purpose unrelated to the current study. 

For example, social science scholars have a wealth of data that has already been collected by other researchers as well as from the daily workings of the components of the criminal justice system.  Several government and nongovernment organizations have instituted many programs to make criminal justice data available to the research community. For example, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has created the Data Resources Program to preserve data produced by NIJ-funded studies and to make them available for secondary analysis by other researchers.  The NIJ describes the program this way:

When an NIJ-funded study ends, researchers submit their data to the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data, which has been collecting data since 1978.  The National Archive was created as part of the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan. ICPSR provides access to the world’s largest archive of computer-readable social science data and offers training in both basic and advanced methods of quantitative analysis in social science research (NIJ, 2011).    

How Social Scientists Use Old Data to Learn New Things

Have you ever thought about how social scientists uncover new insights? They often turn to clues hidden in old data. Let’s explore how that works!

What is Archival Data?

Archival data is a treasure trove of information gathered in the past, usually for purposes other than research. It’s like finding a map that leads social scientists to hidden gems of knowledge. This data helps answer big questions about society without starting from zero.

The Appeal of Archival Data

Archival data wins a gold star for a couple of reasons. It’s usually ready to use because someone has already done the heavy lifting of collecting and organizing it. Plus, it’s often free—which is music to the ears of budget-conscious researchers.

Discovering Data Treasures

Wondering where this information comes from? Think nationally or even globally. There’s a wealth of databases out there on everything from public health to education. An example is the FBI’s crime reports, which gather information from across the nation.

The Power of Long-Term Studies

Archival data shines when social scientists look at changes over time. It acts as a historical snapshot, and when compared with new data, it can reveal trends and shifts. It’s like comparing yearbook pictures from freshman to senior year to see how much has changed.

The Strengths of Using Archival Data

What’s especially helpful is how different sets of data can validate findings. If all signs point to the same conclusion, chances are, it’s not just a coincidence. Archival data often comes from large-scale studies, giving it a level of reliability that small, individual projects might not achieve.

🔍 Reflect: In what ways can examining past information help us grasp current trends and shape future strategies? If you were a social scientist using archival data about your town or city, what kind of societal changes would you be curious to investigate?

Qualitative Approaches

Did you know that social scientists are a bit like explorers, digging through old documents and artifacts to uncover how our society works? Let’s see how they use qualitative data to do that.

What’s Qualitative Data?

Unlike numbers and statistics, qualitative data is all about descriptions and words. It’s the kind of information that doesn’t fit neatly into graphs but tells us a lot about what people think and do. For example, what does a police department say about racial profiling, and do their actions match their words?

Why Documents and Archives Matter

When social scientists look at documents produced by organizations, they’re gathering rich, detailed information. Think of it as reading a diary that tells you what an organization values and how it really operates. This can be a powerful way to check if what they say matches what they do.

Artifacts as Clues

But it’s not just about paper and policies. Objects used by people can tell us stories, too. For instance, if a researcher wants to know how much the police use military equipment, they might look at the gear in a police station. Or to understand how tech-savvy the police are, they could check out the gadgets they use on the job.

Historical Archives

Did you ever wonder how historians uncover the stories of the past? They use historical archives as their time machines! Let’s check out the different kinds of archives they explore.

Types of Historical Archives

Institutional Archives

These are the big collections held by places like governments, universities, and companies. They’re packed with all sorts of official records—from laws and decisions to letters and memos. Think of them as the official storytellers of an organization’s history. For example, government archives might have old laws or notes from important meetings that help us understand past decisions.

Personal Archives

Now, personal archives are more like peeking into someone’s attic. They have diaries, letters, photos, and sometimes videos that tell us about someone’s life and thoughts. These are super special because they give us the real scoop on what people were thinking and feeling during big historical moments.

Multimedia Archives

These are the new kids on the block! Multimedia archives have all kinds of cool stuff like videos, audio clips, and digital art. They let historians experience history with more than just their reading glasses. Videos can show us how people acted or talked, and audio recordings can let us hear the actual voice from a famous speech.

Why Use Historical Archives?

Let’s talk about why historical archives are like gold mines for researchers trying to understand the past.

Authenticity: The Real Deal

Authenticity is the gold standard in historical research. Archives give us the real thing—original, untouched documents like government decrees or personal letters. This is huge because it means researchers can trust these sources as they piece together history. It’s like getting the story straight from the people who lived it, without the telephone game effect of secondhand reports.

Contextual Understanding: Seeing the Big Picture

Archives don’t just tell us what happened, they show us the world it happened in. They let researchers see the full scene: the politics, the culture, and even the way people talked back then. This is crucial for understanding not just the events, but why they happened and what they meant to the people involved.

Missing Links: Filling in the Historical Puzzle

Sometimes, archives hold the key to mysteries—bits of info that have been missing for ages. They can turn what we think we know on its head or fill in gaps in our understanding. It’s like finding the piece that makes everything click into place in a giant historical puzzle.

How to Use Archives Effectively

Archives can be an adventurer’s map to the past, but you’ve got to know how to use them. Let’s get into how to make the most of these incredible resources.

Start with a Plan

Before you even step into an archive, you need a game plan. What’s the burning question you want to answer? Once you’ve got that, you can figure out what kind of documents—like government memos, personal diaries, or videos—might hold the clues you need.

Know What You’re Looking For

If you’re chasing down the political story of a time period, government papers and old newspapers are your best bet. But if you’re curious about daily life or what people thought and felt, personal writings and art are where you should be digging.

Scout Ahead

Every archive is unique, with its own rules and treasure trove. Get in touch before you go. Some have online catalogs that are like previews of what you’ll find, which is a huge time-saver.

Keep Your Eye on the Prize

When you’re in the archive, stick to your mission. If you’re not careful, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of cool stuff. Make a list of specific things you’re hunting for to stay on track.

Be Prepared

Know the nitty-gritty details before you go. Can you snap photos? Is your laptop allowed? Figure out these small but crucial points beforehand, and you’ll be all set to dive into history without a hitch.

Primary vs. Secondary Sources

In the realm of historical research, grasping the distinction between primary and secondary sources is essential for accurate and credible scholarship.

Distinguishing Primary from Secondary Sources

Primary sources are original materials from the time period being studied. These are firsthand accounts such as letters, photographs, and artifacts—direct lines to the past. Secondary sources consist of analyses or interpretations of primary sources, like scholarly articles and books, which provide additional context and understanding.

The Significance of Primary Sources

Primary sources are invaluable for their authenticity, offering a direct glimpse into historical events and mindsets. However, they often require a nuanced interpretation—they come with the biases of their era and were not created with historical research in mind.

The Utility of Secondary Sources

Secondary sources synthesize and interpret the raw data from primary sources. They provide a comprehensive view and place events within a broader context. While they offer expert insights, they reflect the perspectives of their authors and should be seen as one part of an ongoing scholarly dialogue.

Integrating Both Source Types

A robust research approach usually involves both primary and secondary sources. Initially, secondary literature can guide the formulation of research questions, which then leads to seeking out primary evidence to build original arguments.

The Art of Proper Citation

Accurate citation is crucial in historical research. Archival materials can be complex to cite due to their unique formats and potential lack of standard bibliographic information. Providing precise citations ensures that sources can be located and verified by others, upholding the integrity of the research.

Citations in the Digital Realm

The advent of digital archives has not lessened the importance of meticulous citation practices. Regardless of format, every source must be properly attributed to maintain the scholarly value and ethical standards of the research.

Addressing the Challenges of Archival Research

Archival research is an exciting journey into the past, but it comes with its own unique obstacles. Let’s look at these challenges and some smart ways to tackle them.

Overcoming Accessibility Hurdles

Getting to the archives can be a quest in itself. Traveling, navigating foreign protocols, and dealing with limited access hours are just the start. Some archives have rules about how much you can see each day, and delicate materials might mean you’re transcribing by hand rather than snapping photos.

Strategies for Better Access

Planning is your best friend. Reach out to the archives before your visit to know what’s available and understand the rules. Thanks to technology, many archives offer online catalogs to scout materials in advance. And don’t forget about funding opportunities that can help with the costs of travel and accommodation.

The Digital Revolution

Digital archives are changing the game, giving researchers around the world access to documents without the need for physical travel. While not everything is digitized, the trend is a huge win for accessibility.

Navigating Interpretation Challenges

Reading old documents is more than just understanding the words—it’s about grasping the world they came from. Issues like language barriers, historical contexts, and the archive’s own organization can make interpretation tricky.

The Multidisciplinary Solution

A good researcher knows that interpreting archives might require a team effort. Bringing together experts from various fields can provide a more complete understanding. For language issues, proficiency in the original language or expert help is key. To understand the context, you might need to delve into history, politics, and more.

Supplementary sources like historical studies and old newspapers can also help paint a fuller picture. And don’t overlook the wisdom of archivists—they can offer crucial insights into the collection you’re working with.

Solutions in Practice

For those accessibility roadblocks, digital archives are a beacon of progress. And when it comes to interpretation, a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach can illuminate the meaning behind the words and the history they represent.

Archival Research Evolves with Digitization

The digital age has revolutionized archival research, providing historians and scholars with new tools and challenges.

Digitization: Expanding Access and Preservation

Digitization has unlocked historical documents, making them available to a global audience and preserving them for future generations. This increased access allows for research that was once costly and time-consuming to be conducted from anywhere, reducing the need for physical travel. Advanced search capabilities enable scholars to sift through vast amounts of data swiftly, finding relevant documents with ease.

However, this digital bounty is not without its drawbacks. The quality of digitization varies, and essential details can be lost with poor reproductions. Moreover, the ease of digital access might discourage the invaluable experience of engaging with physical archives, which can provide context that digital copies cannot.

Specialized Digital Tools: Enhancing Research Capabilities

Beyond the digitization of documents, specialized digital tools have significantly improved the efficiency and depth of historical research. These tools are designed to address the unique needs of archival work, from sorting massive datasets to conducting complex analyses like text mining and network analysis.

These technologies allow historians to quickly identify patterns, relationships, and trends that might have gone unnoticed through traditional methods. They also support interdisciplinary approaches, incorporating features like translation and image recognition, vital for working with diverse materials spanning different eras and languages.

With built-in citation managers, these tools also aid in maintaining rigorous academic standards, ensuring proper crediting of sources and the integrity of the research process.

Moving Forward in the Digital Frontier

As archives become increasingly digitized, researchers have more resources at their fingertips than ever before. The challenge now is to master the digital tools and methods necessary to interpret these rich historical resources accurately. The digital era has not only broadened the horizons of archival research but also called for a new set of skills to ensure the integrity and depth of scholarly work continue in this evolving landscape.


Understanding Sources in Archival Research

Archival research is pivotal in constructing historical narratives, with primary sources providing direct insights and secondary sources offering scholarly context. Mastery of these sources is crucial, including recognizing their proper application and ensuring rigorous citation practices.

Tackling Accessibility and Digitization

While traditional archival research presented geographic and logistical challenges, digitization has broadened access, allowing remote analysis and preserving documents for future research. Despite its transformative impact, it also introduces issues such as quality variability and a digital divide.

The Role of Specialized Digital Tools

Digital tools have revolutionized archival research, making data management and analysis more efficient. These tools support deeper investigations with advanced features like text mining and network analysis, essential for a thorough understanding of complex historical patterns.

Adapting Research Skills for the Digital Age

In the evolving landscape of archival research, a balance must be struck between digital convenience and scholarly rigor. Researchers must adapt to digital platforms while retaining critical interpretative skills, ensuring a nuanced approach to both digital and physical archives for credible historical scholarship.

Modification History

File Created:  07/25/2018

Last Modified:  11/06/2023

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