Section 5: Administration and Culture of Policing

Fundamentals of Policing by Adam J. McKee

Section 5 delves into the essential aspects of the administration and culture of policing. This section is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the organizational and human elements that shape police departments and influence their interactions with the communities they serve. By exploring these facets, students can gain a deeper appreciation of the complexities involved in managing law enforcement agencies and the pivotal role that organizational culture plays in shaping officers’ attitudes and behaviors.

5.1 Recruitment, Selection, and Training

We begin with an exploration of the processes and standards involved in recruiting, selecting, and training police officers. This chapter will discuss the criteria used to identify suitable candidates, the various stages of police training, and the significance of ongoing professional development. The focus is on how these processes contribute to building a competent and ethical police force.

5.2 Police Administration

This chapter examines the structure and functioning of police organizations. It covers aspects such as leadership styles, departmental hierarchies, and administrative responsibilities. We also discuss the challenges faced by police administrators, including resource allocation, policy development, and managing change within the organization.

5.3 The Police Subculture

Understanding the unique subculture within police departments is crucial. This chapter delves into the shared values, beliefs, and practices that define the police subculture, exploring how this influences officers’ perceptions, decision-making, and interactions with the public.

5.4 Hazards of the Job

Policing is a profession fraught with various hazards. This chapter addresses the physical, emotional, and psychological risks associated with police work, discussing strategies for risk mitigation and the importance of support systems for officer well-being.

5.5 The Crisis of Legitimacy

Finally, we address the contemporary challenges to the legitimacy of policing. This chapter explores public trust, accountability mechanisms, and the impact of high-profile incidents on community-police relations. It emphasizes the importance of transparency, community engagement, and ethical policing in maintaining public trust.

Throughout Section 5, we emphasize the dynamic nature of policing, highlighting the importance of adaptability, ethical leadership, and community-oriented approaches in the evolving landscape of law enforcement. This section aims to equip students with a nuanced understanding of the administrative and cultural complexities of policing, preparing them for informed participation in the field or as knowledgeable members of the community.

Modification History

File Created:  08/15/2018

Last Modified:  12/06/2023

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