Section 7: Crime Science

A Decorative Banner stating the title of this textbook: Fundamentals of Criminology by Adam J. McKee

Section 7 delves into the realm of Crime Science, a burgeoning field that stands at the intersection of criminology, psychology, sociology, and forensic science. This innovative approach to understanding and addressing crime focuses on specificity, decision-making processes, environmental factors, and targeted prevention strategies. As crime evolves in complexity in the 21st century, the need for a scientific and nuanced approach to its study and prevention becomes increasingly critical.

In Section 7.1: Situational Crime Prevention, we explore the crucial need for precision in understanding criminal behavior and the conditions that foster it. This segment emphasizes the importance of dissecting the minutiae of criminal acts, moving away from broad generalizations to a more granular understanding. It underlines the idea that effective crime prevention and intervention must be based on specific, detailed knowledge of criminal activities and their contexts.

Section 7.2, “Criminal Decision Making,” delves into the cognitive processes behind criminal behavior. This part examines how criminals make decisions, the risk-reward calculations they engage in, and the psychological and environmental factors that influence these decisions. Understanding the decision-making process is key to developing strategies that can effectively deter potential offenders.

In 7.3, we explore “Felson’s Chemistry of Crime,” a concept that presents crime as a result of specific combinations of elements — motivated offenders, suitable targets, and the absence of capable guardians. This chemical analogy provides a framework for analyzing how different factors converge to create opportunities for crime.

Section 7.4, “Clarke’s Hot Products,” discusses the concept of certain goods being more susceptible to theft and criminal activities. This section looks at the characteristics that make some products ‘hotter’ or more attractive to criminals and how understanding these characteristics can help in designing better crime prevention strategies.

Finally, 7.5, “Crime and Place,” focuses on the geographical aspect of crime. It investigates how certain locations are more prone to criminal activities and the role of environmental design in either facilitating or deterring crime. This segment highlights the importance of place in the dynamics of criminal behavior and its implications for urban planning and public policy.

Section 7 of Crime Science offers a comprehensive exploration of the various facets of crime and its prevention, employing a scientific lens to dissect and understand the complexities of criminal behavior and its environment.


Modification History

File Created:  08/04/2018

Last Modified:  08/13/2018

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