Section 4: Special Victims and Dangerous Crimes

Fundamentals of Criminal Law by Adam J. McKee

In the broad landscape of criminal law, certain victims and crimes stand out due to the vulnerabilities of the victims or the heightened potential for harm. Section 4 delves deep into these specialized categories, casting light on the intricate nuances and statutory adaptations that have evolved over time.

Section 4.1 commences with a focused examination of “Crimes Against Children.” The law is especially protective of its most vulnerable – the young. This section unravels various offenses, such as Child Neglect, Child Abuse, Endangering a Child, and more. The latter portion takes a closer look at the “Mandatory Reporter Statutes,” emphasizing the community’s role and responsibility in safeguarding children.

Navigating further, Section 4.2 dives into the complex world of “Domestic Violence.” While the section addresses the conventional understanding of domestic violence, it also broadens the scope to encompass Dating Violence, Elder Abuse, and Abuse of Incompetent Persons. Each of these crimes underscores the sad reality that harm often emerges from familiar quarters.

Section 4.3 shifts gears, venturing into the murky waters of manipulation and undue influence. “Extortion and Related Offenses” encompass a range of offenses, from Extortion and Coercion to Blackmail and Bribery. These crimes, while diverse, are unified by a common thread – the exertion of improper pressure to achieve an illicit end.

In Section 4.4, we explore the age-old crime of “Burglary.” Delving into its common law roots, this section subsequently traces the evolution of the crime through various “Statutory Modifications,” offering readers a comprehensive understanding of how the crime has been redefined over the years.

Concluding this section, Section 4.5 addresses the fiery crime of “Arson.” Here, critical elements such as “The Willful and Malicious Requirement,” “The Burning Requirement,” and “The Dwelling House Requirement” are dissected. As with burglary, modern adaptations are detailed, showcasing how the law continues to evolve in response to changing societal needs.

In sum, Section 4 is more than just an exploration of crimes and their victims. It is an invitation to understand the complexities of our legal system and its undying commitment to protect, deter, and remedy.

Modification History

File Created:  07/17/2018

Last Modified:  10/11/2023

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