Market Investing

Fundamentals of Market Investing by Adam J. McKee

How to Retire Wealthy by Maximizing Returns, Minimizing Risks, and Controlling the Animal Spirits Within

This work is licensed under an Open Educational Resource-Quality Master Source (OER-QMS) License.

Open Education Resource--Quality Master Source License


There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading.  Past results are not indicative of future returns.  The author, Adam J. McKee, and all individuals affiliated with this publication assume no responsibilities for your trading and investment results.  All textual materials herein and all other features are for educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice.  Information about stocks, options, and other investment instruments are obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but we do not warrant its completeness or accuracy, or warrant any results from the use of the information.  Your use of the financial information herein is entirely at your own risk, and it is your sole responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness, and usefulness of the information.  You must assess the risk of any trade with your banker, financial advisor, broker, tax attorney or other relevant professional and make your own independent decisions regarding any financial practices and investments mentioned herein.  The author has provided many examples of real financial practices and investments, and thus may have a position in any security discussed herein.

Table of Contents


Section 1:  Investing Basics

Section 1.1: Bonds

Section 1.2:  Annuities

Section 1.3:  Derivatives

Section 1.4:  Real Estate

Section 1.5:  Mutual Funds

Section 2: Stock Market Investing

Section 2.1:  Stock Fundamentals

Section 2.2:  Fundamental Analysis

Section 2.3:  Castles in the Air

Section 2.4:  Theories and Strategies

Section 2.5:  When to Buy and Sell

2.6 Stupid Stuff to Avoid

Section 3:  Retirement Investing

Section 3.1:  Why Be Worried

Section 3.2:  Death and Taxes

Section 3.3:  The Enemy is Us

Section 3.4:  Speeding it Up

Section 3.5:  Predicting the Future

Section 4: Macroeconomic Risk

Section 4.1:  Inflation

Section 4.2:  Volatility

Section 4.3:  Interest Rates

Section 4.4:  Business Cycles

Section 4.5:  Business Risk

Section 5:  Portfolio Risk

Section 5.1:  The Riskiest Bet

Section 5.2:  Asset Class Risk

Section 5.3:  Measuring Risk

Section 5.4:  Psychological Risk

Section 5.5:  Total Risk

Section 6:  Retirement Portfolio Allocations

 Section 6.1:  Allocation Logic

Section 6.2:  Factors and Tilts

Section 6.3:  Values and Goals

Section 6.4:  Investing Myths and Lies

Section 6.5:  Asset Allocation


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