alpha level | Definition

Course: Statistics

The alpha level is a threshold used in social research to determine if a result is statistically significant.

Diving into the Concept of Alpha Level

To understand the alpha level, let’s first clarify what “statistical significance” means. In social research, statistical significance is like a proof of confidence. It tells us how sure we can be that the results of a study aren’t due to mere chance, but actually show a real effect or relationship.

Now, enter the alpha level. It’s like a gatekeeper in the realm of statistics. It sets a limit that decides whether a result is significant enough to be trusted. It’s often written as a decimal, with 0.05 (or 5%) being a common choice in social research.

The Role of Alpha Level in Hypothesis Testing

Imagine you’re a social researcher studying whether a new teaching method improves students’ grades. You start with a hypothesis – a prediction about what you think will happen.

Your null hypothesis (H0) might be “the new method does not improve grades,” while your alternative hypothesis (H1) is “the new method does improve grades.” Your research aims to collect evidence to support H1 and reject H0.

After collecting and analyzing your data, you’ll have a p-value. This is a probability that measures the strength of evidence against H0. Here’s where the alpha level steps in. If the p-value is less than or equal to your chosen alpha level (usually 0.05), you reject H0 and conclude that the new teaching method does improve grades.

Why Alpha Level Matters

So why does the alpha level matter? Simply put, it helps control the risk of a Type I error. That’s when you reject the null hypothesis even though it’s true—in other words, you conclude there’s an effect when there actually isn’t one.

Let’s go back to the teaching method example. A Type I error would mean you claim the new method improves grades when it actually doesn’t. By setting an alpha level, you decide upfront how much risk of this error you’re willing to accept.

Typically, researchers set this at 0.05, meaning they’re willing to accept a 5% risk of making a Type I error. A level of 0.01 is also very common.  This level strikes a balance between being too lenient (which might lead to more false positives) and too strict (which might dismiss real effects).

The Limitations

While this is an important tool in social research, it’s not without limitations. An alpha level of 0.05 doesn’t mean that a finding with a p-value of 0.06 is worthless or that a finding with a p-value of 0.01 is definitely true. It’s merely a commonly used threshold, not a hard-and-fast rule.

Moreover, the alpha level can’t tell us about the practical significance of a finding. Say your research finds that the new teaching method improves grades, but the improvement is only by a fraction of a percent. Even if this result is statistically significant, it might not be practically meaningful.


In summary, the alpha level plays a crucial role in statistical analysis within social research. It’s a threshold that researchers use to decide whether their findings are statistically significant. By understanding the alpha level, you’re getting a glimpse into the world of social research, where data is transformed into knowledge that can shape our society. But remember, it’s just one piece of the puzzle, and it should be interpreted in the context of other factors, like the size of the effect and the practical implications of the findings.

[ Glossary ]

Last Modified: 05/31/2023

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