terrorism | Definition

Doc's CJ Glossary by Adam J. McKee
Course: Introduction / Homeland Security

Terrorism refers to the use of violence or intimidation to achieve political or social objectives, often targeting civilian populations.

Terrorism is a form of violence that is intended to create fear and terror in a population in order to achieve a political or social objective. In the criminal justice context, terrorism is viewed as a serious crime that poses a threat to public safety and national security.

Terrorism can take many forms, including bombings, shootings, hijackings, and cyberattacks. The perpetrators of terrorist acts are often organized into groups that are motivated by extremist ideologies, such as religious or political extremism.

Terrorism is typically carried out against civilian targets, such as schools, public transportation systems, and places of worship. The use of violence and intimidation against innocent civilians is considered a violation of basic human rights and is universally condemned by the international community.

The criminal justice response to terrorism involves a range of measures, including law enforcement investigations, intelligence gathering, and prosecution of terrorist suspects. In some cases, military force may also be used to disrupt and dismantle terrorist organizations.

One of the challenges of combating terrorism is distinguishing between legitimate political activities and acts of terrorism. In many cases, terrorist groups attempt to justify their actions as a means of advancing a political cause. However, the use of violence and intimidation against civilians is considered a crime under international law and is not justified by any political objective.

The criminal justice response to terrorism must also balance the need to protect public safety with the protection of individual rights and liberties. In some cases, anti-terrorism measures may infringe on civil liberties, such as freedom of speech and privacy. It is, therefore, important to ensure that measures taken to combat terrorism are proportionate and consistent with international human rights standards.

Terrorism in the criminal justice context refers to the use of violence or intimidation to achieve political or social objectives, often targeting civilian populations. The criminal justice response to terrorism involves a range of measures, including law enforcement investigations, intelligence gathering, and prosecution of terrorist suspects, while balancing the need to protect public safety with individual rights and liberties.

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Last Modified: 03/14/2023


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