statute | Definition

Doc's CJ Glossary by Adam J. McKee


Course: Introduction / Law

A statute is a law created by a legislative body, such as a national legislature, and is a fundamental component of any legal system.

See also code and criminal code

A statute is a written law that is enacted by a legislative body, such as a national or state legislature. Statutes are an essential component of any legal system, as they provide the framework for governing society and regulating human behavior. They are often created in response to social or political issues and are designed to promote the public good and protect individual rights and liberties.

Statutes can be created at the national, state, or local level, depending on the jurisdiction and the issue at hand. They typically go through a lengthy legislative process, which involves drafting, debate, and voting by the members of the legislative body. Once a statute has been enacted, it becomes part of the legal code and can be enforced by law enforcement agencies and the courts.

Statutes can cover a wide range of topics, from criminal law and civil law to tax law and environmental law. They may establish rules and regulations for behavior in specific industries, such as banking or healthcare, or they may set standards for public health and safety. They may also provide guidance on issues such as property rights, marriage and divorce, and the rights of workers and consumers.

One of the primary benefits of statutes is that they provide clarity and consistency in the law. They establish clear rules and procedures for behavior and provide a framework for resolving disputes and addressing grievances. They also help to ensure that the law is applied fairly and consistently to all individuals, regardless of their social status or political power.

However, statutes are not without their limitations. They can be difficult to interpret and apply in practice and may not always keep up with the changing needs and values of society. They may also be subject to political pressures and lobbying, which can sometimes result in laws that are unfair or discriminatory.

In addition to statutes, there are other sources of law that can impact legal systems, including case law, administrative law, and international law. Case law refers to legal decisions made by courts, which can set precedents and interpret statutes in new and different ways. Administrative law refers to rules and regulations created by government agencies, while international law governs relations between nations and may have an impact on domestic legal systems.

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Last Modified: 04/26/2023


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