revocation | Definition

Doc's CJ Glossary by Adam J. McKee


Course: Introduction / Corrections

Revocation is the act of taking an offender off of parole or probation and sending them to prison.

See also parole revocation

Revocation is the legal process of terminating an offender’s probation or parole and requiring them to serve the remainder of their sentence in prison. This can occur when an offender violates the conditions of their release or commits a new offense while on probation or parole. Revocation is a serious consequence that can have significant impacts on an offender’s life and future.

When an offender is placed on probation or parole, they are given a set of conditions that they must follow. These conditions may include regular check-ins with a probation or parole officer, attending counseling or treatment programs, maintaining employment or education, staying away from certain people or places, and avoiding any criminal activity. If the offender violates any of these conditions, their probation or parole may be revoked, and they may be sent to prison to serve the remainder of their sentence.

Revocation can occur for a variety of reasons. Common reasons include failing to report to a probation or parole officer, testing positive for drugs or alcohol, failing to attend required counseling or treatment programs, and committing new criminal offenses. When a violation is reported, the probation or parole officer will investigate the situation and determine whether the offender has violated the terms of their release.

If the violation is serious enough, the probation or parole officer may recommend revocation, and the offender will have to appear before a judge to determine whether their release should be revoked. The judge will consider the nature of the violation, the offender’s criminal history, and other factors before making a decision. If revocation is ordered, the offender will be taken into custody and returned to prison to serve the remainder of their sentence.

Revocation can have significant consequences for the offender, including the loss of employment, housing, and social support. It can also result in the disruption of family relationships and the loss of freedom. However, revocation can also serve as a wake-up call for offenders who may not have taken their probation or parole seriously or who have struggled with the conditions of their release. For some offenders, revocation can be an opportunity to reassess their lives and make positive changes to avoid further involvement in criminal activity.

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Last Modified: 04/25/2023

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