politics | Definition

Doc's CJ Glossary by Adam J. McKee
Course: Introduction

Politics refers to the activities and public debates related to government.

Politics plays a crucial role in shaping the criminal justice system. It influences laws, policies, and the administration of justice. Understanding this impact is essential for students, especially those interested in criminal justice.

The Intersection of Politics and Law

Both politics and law are deeply interconnected. Politicians create and amend laws, which the criminal justice system enforces. This process involves debates, decision-making, and compromises. Additionally, politics can shape public opinion, which in turn can influence laws and their enforcement.

Political Influence on Criminal Justice Policies

Political decisions directly affect criminal justice policies. For example, lawmakers decide on funding for law enforcement and prisons. They also create laws that define crimes and set punishments. Therefore, the political climate can significantly alter the focus and methods of the criminal justice system.

Role of Political Parties

Political parties often have different views on criminal justice. Some may prioritize harsh penalties for crimes, while others may focus on rehabilitation and social justice. This diversity leads to varying approaches to handling criminal activities and administering justice.

Impact of Public Opinion

Public opinion, shaped by political discourse, plays a pivotal role in criminal justice. If public sentiment is strongly against or for a particular issue, politicians may act accordingly. This can result in changes to laws or how they are enforced.

Judicial System and Politics

The judicial system, although ideally independent, can be influenced by politics. Judges, in some cases, are elected or appointed by politicians. Their decisions can be swayed by political beliefs, affecting court rulings and legal precedents.

Reforming Criminal Justice

Political movements often drive reforms in criminal justice. Advocacy and public campaigns can lead to significant changes. For instance, movements against racial discrimination have led to reforms in policing and sentencing laws.


Politics is a powerful force in the criminal justice system. It shapes laws, policies, and public opinion, influencing how justice is administered. Understanding this relationship is crucial for those interested in the field of criminal justice.


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Last Modified: 01/15/2024

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