juvenile disposition | Disposition

Doc's CJ Glossary by Adam J. McKee
Course: Introduction / Juvenile Justice

In the context of juvenile justice, disposition refers to the final decision made by a juvenile court judge after a hearing or trial.

Let’s dig deeper to truly understand what disposition means in juvenile justice. After a trial or hearing, the juvenile court judge makes a call, known as the disposition. It marks the concluding phase of the court process, a bit like a sentence in adult court, but with some differences.

In juvenile justice, the aim is more to rehabilitate than punish. Therefore, disposition is not merely about doling out penalties. It is instead about addressing the root causes that led to the young person’s crime. The disposition is carefully crafted to tackle these root causes and guide the youth towards a more constructive path.

Different Forms of Disposition

The specific form that a disposition takes can vary widely. It all depends on what the court believes will work best for the juvenile. Some of the measures commonly included in dispositions are probation, counseling, community service, or restitution. Each of these aims to correct the young person’s behavior.

For instance, a judge might order a juvenile to attend counseling to resolve underlying emotional issues. Alternatively, they might order them to perform community service, letting the young person give back to the community while learning valuable life lessons. Restitution is another option, requiring the juvenile to compensate the victim of their crime.

More Severe Cases

While most dispositions focus on community-based solutions, sometimes the crime’s severity requires a stricter response. In these cases, a judge might order the juvenile to live in a secure residential facility. This could be a juvenile detention center or a group home. The goal remains the same, though: rehabilitation.

Factors Influencing Disposition

When determining disposition, the judge takes several factors into account. They consider the severity of the offense and the juvenile’s age. They also look at the juvenile’s previous criminal history, if any, and the resources available for treatment and rehabilitation.

Juvenile court judges have a lot of leeway when deciding disposition. They aren’t just making their decisions in a vacuum, though. They often rely on recommendations from others involved in the case. This could include probation officers, mental health professionals, or other experts. The aim is to make the best possible decision for the juvenile, to aid their rehabilitation, and help them grow into responsible adults.

In conclusion, juvenile disposition isn’t merely about punishment. Instead, it’s a tailor-made plan to help guide young people who have gone astray back onto the right path. It’s a multi-faceted approach, balancing the need for accountability with the goal of rehabilitation. The ultimate objective is to help these juveniles to avoid criminal behavior in the future and to grow into productive, responsible citizens.

[ Glossary ]

Last Modified: 05/28/2023

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