Criminal Justice

While I dabble in personal finance and investing, my education, training, and coursework are primarily in Criminal Justice.  I have developed OER texts for a wide variety of topics across the CJ curriculum and have several more projects in the works.

Introduction to Criminal Justice

By far, my most popular works have been my texts designed for Introduction to Criminal Justice.  For that course, I have developed a concise text titled Criminal Justice: An Overview of the System.   The book is freely available, and the paper book and various eBooks are available via your favorite bookseller.

I have also developed a case reader for this course, wherein I have selected landmark court cases that illuminate critical concepts in American criminal justice.  I provide the text of these cases in an edited and abridged form that makes them easy to read for novice students (who can be intimidated by massive amounts of legal citations and footnotes).  This text is titled Fundamental Cases in Criminal Justice and is available in the same ways as the Overview text described above.


I teach both criminal law and procedural law.  I am in the process of developing OER materials for these courses but have not progressed to the point where they are suitable for public display.  In the future, I plan to release the following titles:

The legal research text has been available in part–it is very much a work in progress–on my old website.  I hope to convert that over, clean it up, and finish the content in the near future.

Research and Statistics

I am in the process of developing a text titled Fundamentals of Social Research.  The focus is on integrating professional writing into the research process and mastering formal English writing.

My Fundamentals of Social Statistics is available now.   The ancillaries for that text are progressing nicely and should be posted in the near future.


I am in the process of developing several policing-related texts.  The introductory text is entitled Fundamentals of Policing, and I expect to have it online in the near future.  I am also developing a text on the Fundamentals of Criminal Investigations, as well as a text on Mental Health for Law Enforcement.

My ethics text, Guardian Ethics: Bushido for Law Enforcement, has now been released as OER!

In addition, my text Fixing American Policing has also been released as OER.

Finance for Helping Professionals

I have a keen sympathy for those who sacrifice for the greater good and take underpaying jobs serving the public.  I have a passion for teaching the next generation important lessons about managing money and investing for retirement.   Those titles are to be found on my Finance page.

Last Modified:  03/28/2023